our range
Wir starten mit dem Sonnenaufgang in die Yogapraxis, geniessen danach gemütlich das gemeinsame Frühstück der HerzKüche und lassen den Tag auf uns zukommen. Vielleicht verbringst du ihn am Strand, lässt dich im Meer treiben oder bleibst am kleinen Junglepool, in der Hängematte oder du gönnst dir eine Massage. Im späteren Nachmittag treffen wir uns zum HeilKreis, um uns gegenseitig durch die ganz persönlichen Prozesse zu begleiten. Zur Unterstützung wird dir unter anderem auch die Aufstellungsarbeit zur Verfügung stehen, um dir die Zusammenhänge in der Tiefe aufzuzeigen. Auf deinen Wunsch kannst du dich dabei zusätzlich begleiten lassen (individuelle Mentorings/Coachings/Körperarbeiten). Mit dem gemeinsamen Nachtessen verabschieden wir den Tag bei Sonnenuntergang und fallen mit der Dunkelheit ins Bett.
7.30 OutdoorYoga / Meditation
9.00 Frühstück in der HerzKüche
ab 10.00 freie Zeit für DICH (Jungle/Strand/FreiluftMassage etc.)
15.45 Heilkreis (mit u.a. Aufstellungsarbeit)
18.30 Nachtessen in der HerzKüche
ab 20.30 Nachtruhe mit der Dunkelheit
Natürlich wirst du auch die Möglichkeit haben, die mexikanische Kultur (z.B. die farbenfrohen Märkte mit heimischen Kunstwerken) und das Nachtleben von San Pancho kennenzulernen. Auch einem Tagesausflug auf dem Wasser und/oder mit Wandern steht nichts im Wege. Abrunden werden wir unseren Retreat mit einer wundervollen Cacao-Zeremonie zum Sonnenuntergang am Meer, welche von Einheimischen durchgeführt wird, und dabei den mexikanischen Schamanismus erleben dürfen.
The jungle of Nayarit is home to a wide variety of bird species, such as birds of prey, pelicans, vultures, colorful woodpeckers and hummingbirds. The cheeky tejones (a type of monkey), lizards, iguanas, armadillos, crabs and fireflies are also among the guests seen almost daily. And if you're lucky, you'll also spot scorpions, spiders and snakes. They are all peaceful and don't bother us humans if we approach them with care and respect.
Jaguars also live in the mountains and in February dolphins and whales often pass close to the coast.
healing circles
We meet daily in a healing circle to share the personal, very individual processes of true life "pura vida" and to support each other with our wisdom. We sing, laugh, meditate, cry, are creative and celebrate life...
Having breakfast and dinner together in the Palapa Tigre (community center) is very important to us. The beautiful, open kitchen with a view over the jungle to the sea will be Claudia's home during the retreat. Physical and interpersonal well-being is important to her. So she creates a space in which you can eat together, exchange ideas or eat in silence. Anyone who feels like it is always welcome to join her in the kitchen / help out.
Lunch is individual. Each accommodation has a kitchenette or a kitchen (including a refrigerator) that is available.
Colorful Mexico inspires simple dishes prepared with love.
This beach can be reached directly from the Jungle Lodge in about 20 minutes. The path leads through the breathtaking jungle, and we will be happy to accompany you until you feel comfortable enough to walk it yourself. The beach is usually deserted. Here you can feel free to swim and sunbathe naked. The locals know about the healing mud spring there. For them, there is no better treatment for skin and hair.
The beach is considered an insider tip!
We start each morning on the breathtaking platform in the middle of the jungle, looking over the forests to the open sea, together with its visible and invisible inhabitants.
In the morning yoga practice, Salomé will meet you with an open heart, wherever you are right now. No previous knowledge is necessary.
With gentle yoga exercises, breathing and consciousness work, we strengthen our body and mind and immerse ourselves in the living silence of true being.
The Mexican jungle is wonderfully green, even though there is no rain for months from November to May. Temperatures are usually around 30 degrees during the day and cool down to half that at night.
There is a wide variety of animals and plants to observe and the sun shining through the palms and trees makes the jungle seem magical. The sea is pleasantly warm and, depending on the wind, very lively. The NATURAL challenges will always accompany you.
open-air massages
In order to integrate your very individual process well into your body and to release old blockages in depth, Andrzej will be happy to support you with his healing massages.
He uses pure and organic coconut oil for the massage.
breath control
These are conscious and mindful breathing exercises from the various yoga traditions. Breathing is the link between body and mind. Salomé supports you in discovering, focusing and directing it.
All accommodation options at the Jungle Lodge are simple and functional and have everything you need (kitchen or at least a kitchenette, a refrigerator, beds with mosquito nets and a private toilet/shower). Depending on your wishes, you can stay in a more or less adventurous tent, bungalow or house.
Small, but no less valuable, is the pool, which allows everyone to cool off at any time in the middle of the jungle.
family constellations
In addition to the healing circles, there is also the daily opportunity to look in depth at emerging issues through systemic constellation work with Mana. This will help you better understand the context of the issue and you can get support in your process. Entanglements and blockages can show up and be resolved. Through the opportunity to participate as a representative (extra) for others, you will receive daily tips and advice on your own process, even if you do not set up an issue yourself.
cacao ceremony
In Central America, the cocoa bean is considered a sacred plant and is revered. At the end of our retreat, we will experience a wonderful cocoa ceremony at sunset by the sea, where you will experience Mexican shamanism first hand.
A second beach, called "Private Beach", can be reached in about 10 minutes from the Jungle Lodge. Here we will be able to enjoy the wonderful sunsets.
Trips to colorful markets...
The local craftsmen and artists are happy to take the time to explain their products and draw attention to the special stones, materials and manufactures.
There is often a great family tradition behind it.
hike to the orchid garden
Farbenfroh ist auch dieser Orchideengarten, welcher mit einer herrlichen Wanderung direkt von der Lodge aus erreichbar ist. Er liegt inmitten des Jungles und wurde mit grossem Herzblut aufgezogen und gepflegt.
There are beautiful, miles-long sandy beaches everywhere with beautiful sunsets and ideal wind conditions for surfing and wave riding.
...and colorful cities
The cities and the people who live there are as colorful as the markets. There are wonderful small towns and villages that we can visit and enjoy.
Beautiful graffiti
In ganz Mexiko, so auch im Gebiet des Nayarit, gibt es viele Graffiti Künstler. Überall sind diese herrlichen Kunstwerke zu entdecken und überragen oft ganze Hauswände.
Loving, contented people
The loving people and the colorful world they live in is also reflected in the local pesos. This makes it much more fun to spend them ;).
The local language is Spanish and they really appreciate it when we say a few words.