pure nature
We go with the rhythm of nature. We rise with the sun, celebrate the day and dream by the fire under the stars when night falls .
You will feel so connected to nature that you will soon be in tune with it and immerse yourself in the summer energy with us. Pure life energy!

Inner Strength
life energy
summer fire

The place
The yurt village in Luthern Bad is a platform where people and nature can meet. Nestled in the beautiful surroundings of the Napf region, the yurts offer us a safe space to sleep, BE and WORK together.
The mountains, meadows and forests invite you to hike, walk and linger.
Coming here is a bit like entering another world, time seems to stand still. It is a place of leisure, encounters and simplicity.

The journey
Public transport:
By train to Zell, from there by bus to Luthern Bad, Dreilindenplatz
Enter Luthern Bad in your sat nav. Please do not search for "Jurtendorf" in Google Maps and follow these directions.
Please park your car in Luthernbad in the yurt village parking lot.
You cannot drive up to the yurt village!
The car park is signposted. After the Hirschen restaurant, about 40m further on to the left at the last farm.
Parking fee: 5.- per day, please pay in the yurt village without being asked!
Description of the last part on foot (approx. 10 minutes):
Walk towards the chapel of the healing spring, after Brücklein turn right again and take the Brücklein natural road up the slope. At the fork in the road at the top of the hill, keep right.
your team
Mana, Natascha und Claudia begleiten dich. Sie stehen dir auf mentaler, emotionaler, körperlicher, kulinarischer und geistiger Ebene zur Verfügung. Dadurch wird es dir leicht fallen deinem wahren Leben "pura vida" auf allen Ebenen und in den verschiedensten Facetten zu begegnen.